Rabu, 10 Desember 2014

Your life is Yours

 My Education Journey and Life’s Goal
            Well according to my personal experience, my education journey was going very well. 17 years ago, I had finished all of my education careers from kindergarten until senior high school in Mojokerto. Slowly but sure, my scores improved constantly year by year. Me, myself still could not imagine about what I did so far. I think, that’s all happened because of God’s plan in my life. Now I could enter the college, it seemed impossible in the beginning, but my God and parents supported me very much. So it encourages me to continue my education journey. Hopefully I could finish it until S3 with the scholarship from campus or government.
            In addition, I have some life’s goals to make sure that my life will go on appropriately. First is to honor and adore my God because of His mercy and grace that have given freely to me. This is like my thanksgiving for this 19 years old, God has supplied and overcome all of my needs and problems. Second is make my parents live happily ever after. We know that parents are God’s representative in this world so that we should behave as good as what we did to our God. I know that it needs many hard efforts and I will try my best to get it. The last is to eternalize all of my life in education and religion field because my dreams are to be a teacher and priest. I know that it could make a controversial in my family, but I trust that He will give the best future in my life.
            Time flew so fast and my academic career was improving continuously. There are many key factors which are supporting me like what my parents did, they usually lead me to do an appropriate activity and they also understand all of my needs. Another key factor is my God who loves me very much, protects me, and saves me. His Words always strengthens me to face all of my problems and makes me success in everything I did. He always leads my mind and my way to walk as His plan that usually leads me to a better future. So I usually put all of my desires, needs, and problems to my God and parents who always help me spontaneously and perfectly.
            Besides those key factors, there are also many challenges that I should face. These challenges usually come from my environments like what my peers, teacher, and neighbors did. As a teens, a lot of my peers usually abuse their freedom to do inappropriate activity like smoking, gambling, consuming drugs, visiting night club, vandalism, cheating etc. The most common thing is cheating, many of them invite me to cheat like them during the exam. I refuse it and they are usually angry with me. I just keep silence. Another common activity is smoking and gambling. I don’t like both of them. I usually refuse it, although they force me to do it. My neighbors also give me a challenge, they usually report all of my mistakes that I did accidentally to my parents. So my parents become a bit angry to me. Sometimes I wonder why my neighbors could not forgive my mistakes, although I usually forgive them. The last is from my teachers. I realize that they should be imitated because they are my leader, but some of them mostly my privet teachers teach me inappropriate activity like behaving to come late in every meeting or event, less thinking before doing something, easily got anger and laziness. All those challenges quiet surprised me, but I want to let God’s plan flow through my life. So I will be leaded by Him and grow in Him forever.
            Those nice experiences could not happen without all of my processes in facing my problems have shaped me now. I realize that why God permits many kind of problems come in my life is only for shaping me like a precious jewel or gem in His eyes because of that I could grow maturely and never look at my past. I usually look at what will happen next because I believe that tomorrow will be better than today. I have prepared myself to obey His way because I know that only Him, we could enjoy the eternal and pure love that will lead us to a beautiful future at the end.
            On my way to reach my life’s goal, there are some moments that have influenced the setting up of my life’s goal through my experience. There are families, school, and peers. In my families there are many kind of people that usually support whatever I did. I know that they want me to use that responsible to become a good person later on. I am proud of living there and I decide that I will not regret their mandate. In school, most of my teachers support me. They know that I never do inappropriate activity. They know me as a patient, diligent, and friendly student. Many of school members also have inspired me. They teach me to do my best in all of my life because they believe that I could do it. Some peers give me an inspiration to pass my daily life. They usually listen and attention to my sharing. They could accept me so that I am proud of making friend with them.  
            To reach our life’s goals are not easy as waving our hands, there are some plans that I have prepared to reach it. There are respecting our God and parents, finishing my S1 study as soon as possible with the best score, and trying to do the best thing every time and where. When you want to be respected by somebody, you should respect them first. After graduating from Widya Mandala, I will dedicate myself in education field because I want to help Indonesians to get a better education. What you did is what you got, so never do a common thing, but make the best for it and the best thing will also come to you.
            That’s all that I could write. Thanks to Mr. Budiyono who has taught me patiently along this semester. I got a lot of knowledge about the way to teach and what education itself. Hopefully I could apply it in my education career later.

 Written by:
Christian Siantar